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FOTILEhad its entry-into-Canada launching ceremony held on the morning of November 2(Monday), 2015 in Sheraton Hotels and Resorts. On that day, Victor Oh, Senatorof Senate of Canada, Bob Saroya, Parliamentarian of Parliament of Canada, LiYanhua, Consul of Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China inToronto, Godwin Chan, City Councilor of Richmond Hill, realtors and chairmen ofchambers of commerce, 200 people in total, attended this grand ceremony asinvited. Over 30 VIPs personally participated in the official launching processon the stage and all people present together witnessed the historical moment ofFOTILE’s entry into Canada. When the colorful balls were lit, the four rangehoods representing the best high-end range hood in this industry were startedsimultaneously, showing people the extraordinary suction effect and bringing aclimax to the ceremony.